REGA Simple Exchange

Join REGA Luggage Crowdsurance with Ether

Sergei Sevriugin
1 min readSep 15, 2018

If you don’t have 0.76 RST to join Luggage Crowdsurance from now you could use to buy them.

Simple Exchange DApp allows you to buy RST tokens from other community members without any centralized exchange. The Order Amount, the number of RST tokens that you can buy or sell is fixed. If you need more token than the Order Amount you need to execute more Orders.

Each Order is ERC721 Smart Token. If you place an Order you will receive a new issued XRSTToken. If you buy RST tokens then you should select XRST Token ID of the Order that you wish to execute. Simple Exchange Smart Contract will find you the best Order to execute with minimum value.

To place the Order you need to have RST tokens on your personal account and as the first step should provide an allowance for Simple Exchange Smart contract to transfer your RST tokens to buyer when you Order will be executed. For each order you need to enter RST token exchange Rate. The Minimum Rate is fixed and you need to select the rate that is more or equal to the Minimum Rate.

Check our smart contracts here:

