Luggage Crowdsurance application process

Sergei Sevriugin
1 min readSep 14, 2018

To start the REGA Luggage Crowdsurance application process you need wallet with a personal account that has some amount in Ether and at least 0.76 RST. Make sure that the Main Ethereum Network is selected and load DApp to start.

  1. The first step is making an application and then wait when your application will be approved by scoring system.
REGA Luggage Crowdsurance Apply

2. The second step is make an allowance. You will approve RST token transfer from your account to the Luggage Crowdsurance smart contract account. Please note that the actual RST token transfer will be done during the 3rd step.

REGA Luggage Crowdsurance Approve

3. Now you are ready to join crowdsurance pool with RST tokens. After the end of this step you will receive ERC721 LCST Token and 0.76 RST tokens will be transferred from your account to the Luggage Crowdsurance smart contract account.

REGA Luggage Crowdsurance Join

Wow, thanks to join us! For only 0,76 RST you can use our breathtaking product and get the payment up to 4 ETH. Also you can get refund in 180 days after activation.

