The Show Must Go On!

Testing new features of REGA Luggage Crowdsurance smart contracts.

Sergei Sevriugin
2 min readSep 16, 2018


As soon as we’ve issued the new interface for the Luggage Crowdsurance DApp we are back to the development process and this week made some cool adjustments to the old good that is our playground for new features. First of all we add an option to join crowdsurance pool with Ether. From now anyone can buy RST token from our or got to and join luggage crowdsurance right there sending Ether to crowdsurance pool.

Join REGA Crowdsurance optionns : RST/ETH

The next very cool feature is token transfer. Thanks to our ERC721 Smart Token standard a token owner could transfer the LCST token to other address before token activation. We are waiting Metamask support this feature in the wallet but now you can do it in our DApp.

REGA Crowdsurance Transfer / Activate

If you have number of LCST token then you can see all your token IDs in Token Tab.

REGA Crowdsurance Token Tab

An the last but not least a Crowdsurance Tab, the place where you can see all information about you token including join and activation time, coverage period and token status.

REGA Crowdsurance Info

All updates is up and running in Main Ethereum network and Rinkeby test network. Check our GitHub for latest updates!

Update: Claim Tab is added and now you can see the claim information including claim submission date, voting time and other important data.

REGA Crowdsurance Claim Tab

